Zboril Dental Center

Tips to Reduce Invisalign® Discomfort

Feb 18, 2019 @ 10:30 AM — by Rob Zboril, DDS
Tagged with: Invisalign Orthodontics Crooked Teeth

More and more people are turning to Invisalign® as an orthodontic treatment alternative to traditional braces. Dr. Rob Zboril has helped numerous patients in the Victoria, TX area have straighter teeth and healthier smiles thanks to these clear, custom-crafted aligners trays.

When wearing these trays, patients may experience just a little discomfort. We would like to discuss why this happens and what you can do to make the Invisalign® treatment process as comfortable as possible.

Is Invisalign® Painful?

No. The overall discomfort experienced while undergoing Invisalign® is not painful, though some discomfort may arise as you switch out your old aligners for new aligners. The tension and gradual force applied to the teeth can lead your teeth to feel sore and sensitive for a few days as you become accustom to them.

Thankfully, this discomfort is temporary and easy to manage. Rest assured that it is a normal part of treatment.

How Long Does Discomfort Last?

For most patients, the discomfort from a new Invisalign® aligner lasts for just a few days. Improvements in discomfort level are experienced as each day passes.

Wear New Invisalign® Aligners as Much as Possible

To get accustomed to your new aligners quicker and help reduce the duration of the discomfort, we recommend that patients wear their Invisalign® aligners as much as possible. This helps the teeth shift position sooner, and helps ensure the overall effectiveness of the treatment process.

Put in New Invisalign® Aligners at Night

New Invisalign® aligner trays tend to be most uncomfortable when they are first put in. That’s why we recommend that patients put in their new Invisalign® aligner trays at night just before bed. This allows the early period of discomfort to pass while the patient is asleep.

Eat Soft Foods

For the first few days, your teeth will be sensitive to pressure. Try to eat soft foods during these early days with a new aligner. You can switch to harder foods in a few days when your teeth don’t feel as tender.

Suck on Ice Cubes When Aligners Are Out

Sometimes a little bit of cold can numb the pain and reduce discomfort. When you have your Invisalign® aligners out, consider sucking on just a little bit of ice. This can reduce discomfort and feel soothing. Do not do this too long, however, so you can keep the aligners in as long as possible.

Cold Compresses Against Your Face

Ice in your mouth isn’t the only option for soothing discomfort. You can also apply a cold compress to your face while your Invisalign® aligners are in to help soothe away the pain. Try to leave the compress one for just 20 minutes, leaving it off for another 20 minutes before applying it again if needed.

The Mild Discomfort Will Be Worth It

While the discomfort can be inconvenient, it is a relatively minor issue to experience as you undergo such a convenient orthodontic treatment option. During your visits to our dental practice, we can discuss these matters in greater detail.

You are also encouraged to contact the practice if your discomfort is severe and shows no improvement. We will be able to address these matters right away.

Learn More About Invisalign®

To learn more about Invisalign® and how it can benefit you, be sure to contact an experienced cosmetic and restorative dentist. The team at Zboril Dental Center is here to help. You can reach our practice by phone at (361) 541-6344.