Zboril Dental Center

Do I Need My Porcelain Veneers Replaced?

Aug 30, 2018 @ 11:52 AM — by Rob Zboril, DDS
Tagged with: Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are thin, tooth-shaped shells of porcelain that are placed over the teeth to conceal flaws and create a beautiful smile. With proper care, porcelain veneers can last for more than a decade. In certain circumstances, such as trauma or infection, a porcelain veneer will need to be replaced sooner.

If you have a porcelain veneer that needs replacement, it is important to do so as soon as possible to avoid damage to the underlying tooth. Dr. Rob Zboril in Victoria, TX, can perform treatment in the event you need porcelain veneer replacement.

The Typical Lifespan of a Veneer

Generally speaking, porcelain veneers have a lifespan of about 10 to 15 years. How you care for them and your oral health will affect their lifespan.

Patients that maintain good daily oral hygiene habits, including brushing at least twice and day and flossing at least once a day, may extend the lifespan of their veneers. In addition, patients that see their dentist at least twice a year are more likely to have veneers that last.

Alternatively, patients who are not as consistent in following these guidelines may not enjoy the full lifespan of a veneer. Over time, general wear and tear can undermine the porcelain or weaken the cement holding the porcelain to the tooth.

Replacing a Damaged Veneer

Porcelain is a durable material, but it is not entirely immune to damage. Your porcelain veneer may become chipped or fractured due to trauma to the face, such as one sustained during a vehicular accident or a sports injury. In other cases, the porcelain can be damaged when chewing on hard objects like ice.

A Loosened Veneer

A porcelain veneer may become loosened or dislodged due to extensive bite force exerted over time. This may be due to the bonding material between the veneer and the tooth breaking down.

If your veneer becomes loose or falls off, you should see your dentist rather than trying to fix the problem on your own. Dentists use specialized, medically-approved cement to secure veneers to the tooth. In some cases, we may be able to salvage the veneer, although more often than not a loose veneer will need to be replaced.

Treating Tooth Decay

Although the front surface of your tooth will be covered by the veneer, it does not protect the tooth against decay. Patients can still develop a cavity in the areas uncovered by the veneer, and in some cases, beneath the veneer itself.

In such instances, the veneer will likely need to be removed to appropriately treat the decayed portion of the tooth, and then replaced with another veneer over the treated tooth.

Addressing Tooth Discoloration Discrepancies

Over time, a porcelain veneer may no longer match the shade of surrounding natural teeth. Since the porcelain is resistant to staining, this can happen for two reasons:

  1. The natural teeth become stained or discolored, but the porcelain remains the same whiter shade; or,
  2. A teeth whitening treatment brightens the natural teeth beyond that of the porcelain veneer, which does not respond to teeth whitening treatments

Learn More about Porcelain Veneer Replacement

Maintain the beauty of your smile and oral health by having us look at a veneer you suspect needs replacement today. Book your appointment online or by calling us at (361) 550-7186.